Thank you for choosing to look into the windows of my mind, heart, and soul. I hope the views are inviting.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Spring Will Come...

I spent the first part of Spring Break with a friend in Omaha, NE. It was a needed trip. A journey away from a battlefield and into a home that had warm light spilling from the windows. As I settled into an almost permanent place on my friend's couch, it began to snow. And snow. And snow. I was given a blanket of white winter wonder. It quieted the swirling thoughts a bit. The blanket wrapped me up in the warmth of a home and a friendship. I took sips of the warmth from moment to moment and appreciated the cold contrasts. My friend offered me two really valuable gifts: space to just be and a reassuring reminder of who I am. Ok...there were other gifts taken....I liked the mega cable stations to flip through, snacking on her food, and snuggling with her cat, too.

Linda has known me since 1987. That is a long time. Nineteen years. She's seen me as an aquaintance, a roommate, and a friend. Do you have friends who remind you from time to time who you really are? They are gifts. I hope I am that kind of friend. A warm space in the presence of winter storm warnings. A reminder that spring will come.


Blogger Blythe Lane said...

Yes...I think I'm finding that these kind of friendships are few and yet so valuable! I love the picture you give of being invited into a place that is safe and warm -- "a journey away from a battlefield." This past week was that to my own weary heart.

Thanks for the hang out time this past week and thanks for sharing your heart -- your own questions and insight shed some light into my own journey. :-)

7:42 PM


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