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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mark Twain Moment


Mark Twain is known for his quotable quips. Here is one, for example: "All you need is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure."

I was talking through this week's spelling list with my students. I help point out spelling patterns, things I love or appreciate about the words, or help them with the meaning or use of the words. I spontaneously had what I am calling a "Mark Twain Moment" when the kids wanted to know the meaning of POMPOUS. Here's what I came up with:

pompous= when your head grows larger than your heart

Alot of my seventh graders were perplexed for a moment...some demanding they were certain that your head is supposed to be bigger than your heart. I asked them if they could think about the statement in any way OTHER than anatomically. It was fun you see the light bulbs come on-----Ahhhhhh. Yeah! Ohhhh....They got means a person is "full of himself!"
As the laughter died down, I seized the moment and hinted to them that perhaps the second syllable of the word really should be spelled differently! More puzzled looks. And then some creeping grins. Only a couple of kids each hour got that last tongue-in-cheek comment!

So my Mark Twain Moment unfolded further when I got home...
You are pompous when your head grows larger than your heart and suddenly drops down into your posterior region.

Lord, help my head and heart be in proportion...and keep me from becoming anything that resembles my posterior region!


Blogger Blythe Lane said...

You're such a fun teacher! I have this feeling that 7th grade wouldn't have been so traumatizing for me if I'd only had a teacher like you! :-)

2:16 PM

Blogger Jill Pole said...

Hee Hee - I love your illustrations. They will never forget "pompous!"

1:27 PM

Blogger Carmen said...

You're so clever and quick on your feet to come up with that! I think it will make me chuckle all throughout the day today. Thanks!

8:18 AM


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