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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Academic Degrees, Money, and Things That Last

I got an email over Christmas break from a very kind person doing her job in the College of Education. She asked me if I knew that I was only 2 classes from completing my Master's Degree in Secondary Education. Only TWO classes away from completing a career goal. It is so close I can taste it! Actually taste it. Unfortunately, the classes I have to take are bland. Dry and bland.

Alright. The classes get a little more tasty when I think about the pay increase next fall. Tangible evidence of a degree, true.

But here's the thing. The benefits from a rich career goal are not best seen in a Master's Degree or pay increase. Here's how I measure the richness of my Nicole, Jessica, and Katie.

These three girls are Freshmen in college. They are why I love my career being a teacher. I was Nicole's (l) 7th grade English Teacher. There was a group of girls (anywhere from 3--10) back in the 1999--2001 school years (7th and 8th graders) who used to come into my classroom after school just to hang out and chat about life and laugh. They named themselves the "After School Club." When they were leaving for the high school at the end of 8th grade, one of these girls (Nicole??) asked if they could have a slumber party over at my house to celebrate the end of middle school.

The slumber party was great! We ate pizza, played Balderdash, tie-dyed t-shirts, pillow cases, etc, watched movies, etc. I let the girls use markers and draw pictures and write messages on the walls of a spare room in my basement. It was crazy fun! I found out that they even slid down the stairs on my couch cushions after I had gone to bed. Crazy kids!

These girls went on to grow close and experience life together. They've had amazing ups and downs in the last five years. They have come to be known as leaders--so well respected by the adults in their lives and well loved by their peers. They are every bit playful, fun-loving teenagers and mature, tender-hearted people. I love that they have begun to develop the habit of living life to the fullest--living it well.

Gratefully, most of them have made efforts to remain connected to me in some way. Last year I led a Bible Study with six of them (the 3 pictured above included). It was their senior year in high school. What an honor to share that weekly time together last year. It was a "full circle" moment for me.

So, to top it off, this past weekend we had a "reunion sleepover" at my house. Could
I be any more blessed? How many people are able to watch people grow and change over the long haul?

This weekend the girls added new pictures and messages to those basement walls. There's no space left, even if wanted to hang a picture...or say, a framed Master's Degree! What great honor has been bestowed on me by these girls. How rich I am!


Blogger Blythe Lane said...

Wow. That's really cool. I feel the same about what I do. Not rich and yet RICH. Money certainly doesn't compare to the investment poured into people's lives!

8:28 AM


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