Thank you for choosing to look into the windows of my mind, heart, and soul. I hope the views are inviting.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Breaking Loose

I think I am Babs the butterfly (see my previous post). I get the stuff of life more than ever before. Relationship, community, authenticity, trusting, holding my intense desires and even sharing them, asking others for help, giving from my heart, dreaming, and believing truth. It is the stuff of Jesus. If you are reading this, you are participating. Thank you! I'm breaking loose!!


Blogger Jenni said...

Let that golden zipper unravel and let loose!

7:16 PM

Blogger Jill Pole said...

I'm so glad to part of this journey with you. You are an awesome, awesome lady!

6:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breakin' loose! Does this mean you're ready to break out at a dance par-tay with me? I hope so...Stone Barn here we come!

3:04 PM

Blogger mariscolgan said...

how exciting and wonderful!
you're loved and supported, my friend:)

6:15 PM


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