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Monday, November 21, 2005

Ball O' Twine

This is a ball of twine. Actually, it is no longer able to support the shape of a is more like a lump of twine. It is, nonetheless, impressive. I would suggest, if you travel a distance farther than 1 hour to visit this site, you should make additional plans. Go explore that general area of Kansas. The Ball of Twine is worth the trip, but there is really nothing else to see in the town. Well, there is a woman in this town who is an artist. She has reworked some famous paintings and has incorporated a ball of twine into each picture. There's an example of THE SCREAM by Edvard Munch below. The first one is the real picture. The next one is the Cawker City ball of twine painting.

The REAL ONE....................CAWKER CITY'S (can you find the ball of twine?)

My friend (who has amazing hair) and I thought it would be funny to have our picture taken smoking cigarettes next to the ball of twine. We are SUCH REBELS! They were fake cigarettes.

We then travelled through DOWNS, KS. The cafe closed at 2:00, so we had to get chicken from the grocery store deli and have a picnic in my truck. We met a woman at a gift shop there who taught us how to weave on an old, old upright loom.

We ended up at a bed & breakfast and I would highly recommend this historic limestone homestead. I discovered that I actually know the owner through a mutual friend. Click here to be linked to the B & B site.

Another MUST SEE is Wilson Lake. I think you really need to take a hike at Wilson Lake park. It will wind around and over some hills and after you crest one of the hills you will see the lake and some sandstone formations that took our breath away!

We finally ended up in LUCAS, KANSAS. I thought perhaps we took a wrong turn and ended up in the Twilight Zone! This town and it's people are something that should not be missed! Through the GRASSROOTS ART MUSEUM I met several people who inspired me. They are people who decided to do art in their own peculiar way. Complete abandon, no concern for perfection, lots of space for creativity! Here is a link to a good article that introduces you to some of the people and their art.

And here are some more photos:

Art, friendship, roadtrips, curiosities, quirky people, nature, good walks and good talks...AHHHH that's life!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mentioned that I "saw Troy" a few times on our trip, and that I believe that he is quite possibly a grassroots artist. I think I may have discovered what his "medium" may be...empty rifle casings...I think that is what you call them. Its a bullet with no bang, its been banged, a banged bullet, depleted of all possiblity of being banged again. Yep, why do I suspect that this is a future art project? He keeps the spent rounds...hummm. We shall see and I will keep you posted, I know there is an artist in him, it only makes sense to bring hunting and crafts together.

10:04 AM

Blogger alethea said...

I see a sculpture of a turkey using spent shows...museums...Lucas. It might all be in your future! THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!

10:42 AM


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